Thursday, March 7, 2013

Butterflies, Dragonflies & Bees Workshop in Bellevue

New!  Watercolor Workshop with Susie Short
hosted by the Bellevue Daniel Smith Store

Butterflies, Dragonflies & Bees 
Susie Short’s  BUTTERFLIES and BEES Watercolor Workshop is perfect for those of us who are tired of the winter grays and ready for springtime color. Susie will show you some interesting techniques and share some tempting options for painting spring flowers attractive to the Butterflies and Bees. Learn to master wet-in-wet backgrounds and mix strong rich dark's using selected transparent Daniel Smith’s Extra Fine Watercolors.  Photos and patterns will be provided for your use during the workshop and available for purchase if you want to take them home for future projects. This exciting workshop is for artists with some watercolor experience.  Bring your favorite palette of colors and be prepared to try some new pigments that are fun and exciting to paint with.  Space is limited…Register today!
See Susie’s suggested supply list for this workshop.

Bellevue Daniel Smith Store
Thursday, March 28, 2013
11 am to 4 pm
$75 for the workshop
Space is limited for this workshop,
please register early to make sure you can attend!
To register, call the Bellevue DANIEL SMITH Store at: 425-643-1781

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